Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Health Benefits Of Pineapple

Public by Similan Tiga on cateogry Nutrition views 0 words 757.

This sticky and sweet tropical fruit is a favourite with children of all ages. Perfect as an integral part of sweet and sour sauce, you cant go past the wonderful pineapple. Pineapple is a tropical fruit, it contains a proteolytic enzyme bromelain, which helps in the digestion of protein. Pineapple can prevent blood clot formation because of its bromelain content.

Pineapples are a member of the Bromeliaceae family and are composed of many flowers whose fruitlets are fused around a core. Each fruitlet has an eye which is the spiny part on the pineapples surface. Pineapples are both sweet and tart with a beautiful, tropical yellow colour, reminiscent of warm summer days at the beach.

Health Benefits of Pineapple

One of the most important enzymes in pineapple is bromelain and it is bromelain that holds the key to many of the pineapples health benefits. Fresh pineapple is full of these sulphur-containing, protein-digesting compounds so, what can they do for you?

Bromelain and Pineapples

Bromelain has been found to be a useful anti-inflammatory, effective in reducing swelling and assisting in the treatment of conditions such as acute sinusitis, sore throat, arthritis and gout. For increased effectiveness, pineapple should be eaten between meals without other food. This is because of another of bromelaids properties, that as an aid to digestion. If eaten with other food, bromelaids health benefits will be taken up in helping to digest the other food.

Pineapple is high in anti-oxidants

A very good source of vitamin C, pineapple offers your body an excellent protection against free-radicals, substances that attack healthy cells. A build up of free-radicals can lead to atherosclerosis and diabetic heart disease, an increase in asthma attacks and an increased risk of developing certain cancers, such as colon cancer. Free-radicals have also been shown to accentuate the problems associated with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Vitamin C, your bodys most important water-soluble anti-oxidant has proven itself invaluable in fighting against and aiding treatment for these conditions.

Vitamin C is, of course, also an excellent cold and flu fighter due to its importance to the proper functioning of the immune system.


Pineapple is also an excellent source of manganese, a mineral essential in some of the enzymes necessary in the body for energy production. It also has very good amounts of thiamine (vitamin B1) which is also important in these energy producing enzymes.

Macular degeneration

Pineapple and other fruit has been shown to be important in maintaining good eye health, helping to protect against age-related eye problems. Three serves of fruit a day, in particular those high in anti-oxidants, has been shown to lower your risk of developing this potentially debilitating condition.

Pineapple Stems

There are even some beneficial molecules hidden in the stems of pineapples, Australian research has found. These molecules have been seen to act as a defence against certain types of cancer. The types of cancer benefited by these molecules are ovarian, breast, lung, colon and skin cancer.

Pineapple Nutritive Value (Per 100 gm.)

* Vitamin A: 130 I.U.

* Vitamin C: 24 mg

* Calcium: 16 mg

* Phosphorus: 11 mg

* Potassium: 150 mg

* Carbohydrates: 13.7 gm

* Calories: 52

Pineapple Benefits

Pineapple has following health benefits

1. It is regulates the gland and found to be helpful in cases of goiter(enlargement of the thyroid gland).

2. Dyspepsia (chronic digestive disturbance).

3. Bronchitis (inflammation of the bronchial tubes.)

4. Catarrh (secretions from mucous membranes).

5. High Blood pressure.

6. Arthritis (diseases of the joints)

7. Fresh pineapple juice is also used in removing intestinal worms.

8. Fresh pineapple juice has been used to combat diptheria and other infections of the throat or other parts of the body.

9. Prevents nausea (includes morning sickness and motion sickness), Take 230 cc. of pineapple juice or papaya juice.

10. Constipation

Selecting & Storing Pineapple

Pineapples should feel heavy for their size, otherwise they could end up dry and tasteless. They should look, feel and smell clean and have no bad or mouldy marks on the outer surface. As pineapple stops ripening when picked, choose carefully and dont select one that looks immature. Pineapples can be stored at room temperature however they spoil easily and should be watched carefully. To keep it longer than a day or two, wrap in a plastic bag and store in the fridge for up to five days. If youve cut your pineapple, store unused pieces in the fridge in an airtight container and use as soon as possible. They can be frozen however this will change the flavour so be careful.

Related searches: Health Benefits, Pineapples Bromelain, Vitamin C, Manganese Pineapple, Pineapple Stems, Pineapple Nutritive Value, Pineapple Benefits Pineapple, High Blood, Constipation Selecting, Storing Pineapple Pineapples,

All copyrights belong to the author of this article. We require readers to absolute respect for the author of the article. When you save this post in any way to specify the information authors and origin of this article.

Author Bio: Ark corporation is conducting research on herbs and their medicinal uses since 1953.We have a wide range of herbal treatments for acne,Piles,asthma and many other ailments and a number of male enhance ment formulas Auther is associated with Ark corporation since 1987.

Thursday, May 17, 2012


A Person Needs a Family

Public by Cori Baker on cateogry Home and Family views 1 words 505.

Fact: Family is a composition of individuals belonging to the same bloodline, traditions and sharing of thoughts, creating new memories and giving support towards each other. These are just some of the uniqueness, in which an individual enjoys when in company of his or her family. So, when it comes to family issues every member is entitled to give his or her opinion or suggestion to resolve an issue or problem. A member of the family also holds the responsibility to care, respect and protect the other members of the family. In this article, learn to delve yourself in meeting the needs of your family especially in the context of safety and security.

Safety and security are basic needs that a person should enjoy at the same time meet. The real question is: How do you give due protection to your family? The first thing you should do is to provide them a house – clean and cozy. A house can protect from nature's wrath, like hurricanes and cyclones. Of course, this can be considered a protective measure since it protects your family from illnesses, such as flu and fever. Every individual wants a place, which is comfortable, beautiful and cozy where their family can enjoy the benefits of a complete and supportive family.

Since, a home is established inside the house, you want to enhance the security measures by putting up some decorated can safe, where you can hide some of your valuables, removing the obviousness of the valuables. Other home owners also put up double locks and alarm systems, to alert them of perpetrators thus automatically alerting the police in cases of emergencies. A very important measure that a homeowner should consider doing is to, put up a list of the emergency numbers where everyone can see and access on it.

Safety is always a concern for each member of the family, some heads of the family; engage themselves in tactical self- defense classes encouraging their family as well in joining the exercises. Some families even keep a taser c2 in their home, which they can use in case someone plots to harm their peace. In fact, tasers are legal in most states – but one has to make sure that these things are utilized only for self- defense purposes.

A concern of family members is their health – most families avail of insurances to ensure that when they are in dire need of health care, they can do so, without worrying about the expensive hospital and health intervention bills. They also engage themselves in exercises and make sure they take in their vitamins on a daily basis. Simple as they maybe, these things can help you and your family preventive contacting disease, which are commonly acquired in the streets and other establishments.

For a person, family is an important factor in his or her lives; you want to ensure that you and your family enjoy your rights to a safe environment. Family is just one of the things, which is worth protecting.

Related searches: Person Needs,

All copyrights belong to the author of this article. We require readers to absolute respect for the author of the article. When you save this post in any way to specify the information authors and origin of this article.

Author Bio:

Cori N. Baker enjoys writing for which sells can safe and taser c2 as well as a host of additional products.

Monday, May 14, 2012

read me

Who lost a day? Not God

Public by Mike L Anderson on cateogry Christianity views 5 word count 579.

Who lost a day? Not God by Mike L Anderson

According to the story of the Lost Day, scientists in the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) made a discovery confirming the truth of the Bible. This story, which I found in my email box, seems to have originated with Harald Hill, a computer consultant in the NASA space program.

"Space scientists at Green Belt, Maryland, were using a computer programme to determine the position of the sun, moon and planets when they came across a missing day. They were stumped over how to account for it. In the department, however, there was a Sunday school teacher who had the answer. He showed them passages from Scripture (Joshua 10:8, 12, 13 and 2 Kings 20:9-11) which recovered the missing day. God had miraculously caused the sun to stand still for Joshua and move backwards for Hezekiah."

At first blush this looks like a wonderful story that Christians should welcome because it helps to confirm the truth of the Bible. It has the apparent support of tough-minded scientists from a prestigious institution.

Well, how should Christians respond to the story? This might appear to be a strange question. Surely the issue turns simply over the facts. The question is whether scientists did discover a missing day. Everyone (Christian or not) should simply humbly bow down before the facts.

However, behind the story there is an assumption made which must be evaluated biblically - that Christians have some need for extra-biblical assurances for their faith. Is this true? Let's look at the Bible.

How does Jesus deal with those whose faith is faltering? Two of his disciples who had this problem were travelling on the road to Emmaus. It was just after the crucifixion of Jesus and their faces are described as downcast. Preliminary reports about his missing body served only to perplex them further. They were greatly in need of faith. How does Jesus counsel these men? (By the way, there is a problem in using Jesus as a model. The Teacher's mere presence is enough to bolster the pupil's faith. We don't have that option. However, on that road to Emmaus the disciples were prevented from recognising him. The Lord can be used as a model after all). So, what does Jesus do? He rebukes them! "How foolish you are, and how slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken! Did not the Christ have to suffer these things and then enter his glory? (Endnote 1).

Isn't this a bit harsh? Remember that the only Scripture the disciples had to go on was the Old Testament. They didn't even have the New Testament (or any discoveries by NASA scientists). Is the Old Testament really enough? Jesus apparently thought so. Think about it. What better proof could the two have had than his resurrection? Jesus could have triumphantly announced it to them. He didn't. Instead "... beginning with Moses and all the prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself." And it worked.

They asked each other, "Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scripture to us?" Note that this response occurred before Jesus opened their eyes to recognize him. The message is clear: Scripture is enough. Do those who deny this really know the Christ of the Scriptures? Even the Old Testament alone provides enough basis for faith. The New Testament and the resurrection provide more than we need and reveal God's abundant grace towards us. The Christian faith is worthless without the resurrection (Endnote 2). but the two disciples were assured that the suffering and resurrection of Christ must occur on the basis of the Old Testament alone. Let us be grateful for having more, much more, than these two and not seek for further "proof" from science. "Come on" some might want to say, "surely Christians should be interested in all truth." God is certainly glorified when we pursue truth wherever it may be found. However, while we should be interested in truth (small t) all that faith needs is Truth (big T). The Christian's faith is centred in a Person - Jesus Christ.

But, let us go hunting for truth. Public Relations Officers at NASA have stated that a missing day was not discovered and that if there was a missing day they do not have the means to discover it (Endnote 3). .They also say that Harald Hill was not a consultant in the space program, but involved in "diesel engine operations and maintenance contracting (Endnote 4).. Astrophysicist and biblical scholar Prof. Robert C Newman has studied this case extensively. He points out that the main features of the story predate NASA and computers! In 1890 a Prof. Charles Totten claimed such a discovery but failed to provide the necessary evidence. In the interests of truth the Lost Day story has to be rejected. Newman has strong words for those who would use falsehood to defend the Bible: "This is trying to do God's work using Satan's tactics! (Endnote 5).

Christian philosopher James Sire says it well: "Put simply, the best reason for believing that the Christian religion is true is Jesus, and the best reason for believing in Jesus is Jesus Himself (Endnote 6). The biblical way is for Christians to be "built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone (Endnote 7). Christians so built have no need for dubious extra-biblical stories.

Mike L Anderson, PhD Philosophy of Evolutionary Biology (Wits University), writes, develops educational resources and software and plays Starcraft.

=> His books are available here


1. Luke 24:25-26.

2. 1 Corinthians 15: 14.


4. Loftin, R.W. (1991) Origin of the Myth About a Missing Day in Time. Skeptical Enquirer 15:350-351.


6. Sire, J.W. (1994) Why Should Anyone Believe Anything at All. IVP, Downers Grove, Illinois.

7. Ephesians 2:20.

4. Loftin, R.W. (1991) Origin of the Myth About a Missing Day in Time. Skeptical Enquirer 15:350-351.


6. Sire, J.W. (1994) Why Should Anyone Believe Anything at All. IVP, Downers Grove, Illinois.

7. Ephesians 2:20.

Sunday, May 13, 2012



The Prophet Got It Wrong!

Public by Wayne Sutton on cateogry Self Improvement views 0 word count 579.

During a hard time of my life, and while I was still a young Christian, I received a prophetic word spoken over my life. It was a promise for the prayers I have been pleading over the last few months, and to say the least I was amazed.

The ability of an almighty God speaking through a child of God, for me! I held onto every word spoken, and couldnt wait for the next few weeks to see the miracle manifest in my personal life.

And so I waited. I spoke the prophetic word aloud, I believed upon it, and I told others the miracle God was going to perform in my life. It never manifested. So, did God miss it? Did the preacher miss it?

Was he a false prophet?

Now there are many reasons a prophetic word may not come to pass when spoken forth, yet the purpose of this writing is not to give you the answers for unanswered prayers or unfulfilled prophetic words. This message is written to call much needed attention, not to the false prophet, but to our own attitudes and slanderous remarks we have made towards those in the prophetic ministry.

Have you judged a prophetic word? Great! We are told to judge the word, for we all see in part and hear in part, and every word is not always from the spirit.

Did he miss it? Or did I miss it?

Before you make a judgment, lets look closely at this point

We all grow in the gifts as we exercise and walk in faith for that gift. Therefore, lets understand that we can all miss it prophetically, and that does not make us a false prophet. In fact, most people that prophesy today do not hold the office of a prophet! They are being obedient to the scriptures when the Apostle Paul commanded us to seek all spiritual gifts, especially the gift of prophecy.

So why do we judge those speaking forth a prophetic word so strongly? Should we judge the word itself? Yes. Yet, remember those speaking the word do so in faith as they discern from the Holy Spirit. But what if they miss it?

Well what about the healing evangelist or pastor that prays for a multitude of sick people? Have you ever prayed for a sick person that remained sick, or even worse?

Where is the judgment then? Oh, thats right we blame that on Gods will to heal or the other persons lack of faith. Hmmm

However if just 1 out of 100 were healed then we are ecstatic and jumping for joy! We talk about, tweet about, and YouTube the 1 miracle for all to see - despite the 99 that remain sick. Believe me, I am happy for the 1 very happy!

Yet, we do not condemn the person praying for the 99 that remained sick.

So what about the one who is prophesying over another person, or a group of people? What happens when they do not have complete accuracy? We somehow see it different They can prophesy clearly and accurately over the 99 people, yet totally miss it on one person or event and they are ridiculed and labeled a false prophet!

Why the difference? Because we expect all who prophesy to be a Prophet, we do not understand the gift of prophecy through the body of Christ. The gift of prophecy is to be sought after and the manifestations will grow as you exercise the gift.

The same also goes with the other gifts such as healing, words of knowledge, etc. Our responsibility is to judge every prophetic word, and to seek the spiritual gifts as the Bible has commanded us.

Prophets miss it. Evangelists miss it. Apostles miss it. Teachers miss it. Pastors miss it too. We all see in part, hear in part, and are all growing from glory-to-glory by the leading of the Holy Spirit.

So what about the evangelists that prophesied over me? Did he miss it?

Maybe, or maybe instead I interfered with Gods plan over me? What did I do with my discouragement and false word? I thanked God for his grace, mercy, and his goodness in all things.

And instead of condemning the evangelists as a false prophet, I myself started to study and seek the spiritual gift of prophecy. And then the other gifts

Are you seeking? We are here for you! Do you need prayer? Go to

Related searches: Prophet Got, Apostle Paul, Holy Spirit,

All copyrights belong to the author of this article. We require readers to absolute respect for the author of the article. When you save this post in any way to specify the information authors and origin of this article.

Author Bio: Prophetic Counselor Wayne Sutton is helping people achieve their destiny and purpose with phone counseling and coaching. If you need a prophetic word from the Lord then check out their site at

Saturday, May 12, 2012

by author blake swanston

The Goodness Of Bircher And Toasted Muesli

Public by Blake Swanston on cateogry Nutrition views 0 word count 579.

How do you start your day? If you are like most people, you probably get out of bed and have breakfast. This is definitely a wise strategy because many people skip breakfast, which is not a good idea. Your morning meal is the most important one of the day. However, it is also important to point out that many people opt to eat a very unhealthy breakfast loaded with fat, sugar, and other processed ingredients. Here is a much better strategy for your morning breakfast - opt for Bircher muesli or toasted muesli instead. They are by far the much healthier and more nutritious morning meals you could select.

What is so good about muesli?

Bircher muesli is a traditional Swiss breakfast that first emerged circa 1900 and it was the idea of the physician Maximilian Bircher-Benner. His idea was a relatively simple one - you would mix raw, uncooked rolled oats, fruits, and nuts. The vitamins, nutrients, and good carbohydrates found in a breakfast such as this ensures you start the day in the perfect manner. Remember, breakfast is always the most important meal of the day because its goal is to provide you with healthy calories intended to fuel your day. Bircher Muesli can definitely help deliver on that goal.

The fact that the oats are uncooked also ensures that all the goodness in muesli is not ruined by the heating process. You might be surprised to discover that cooking healthy selections at high temperatures can undermine many of the nutrients present in them.

Now, if you opt to make lightly toasted muesli, you would only subject it to an oven for about ten minutes in a low temperature. You would also be adding seeds, coconut, canola oil, and honey. You could say you would be making a good breakfast even better by including these natural add-ons.

You may even wish to make a very large batch of toasted muesli and then save it for later. Dont worry about the shelf life of muesli because it wont spoil overnight. For those who have free time on a Sunday but have six other busy days of the week, making a weeks worth of breakfast in advance might be a wise plan. It definitely makes time management easier! (It also ensures you always start the day with a healthy breakfast)

Whether you opt for Bircher muesli or toasted muesli or have both, you can feel confident that you would be getting truly excellent nutritious breakfast selections that are far better than a host of the processed items on store shelves.

All copyrights belong to the author of this article. We require readers to absolute respect for the author of the article. When you save this post in any way to specify the information authors and origin of this article.

Author Bio: Jim Stynes has revolutionised the way we eat toasted muesli as well bircher muesli forever by creating his own toasted muesli recipe. Visit the website to learn where to find the nearest stockist.


Thursday, May 10, 2012

smells good

Aromatherapy - An Effective Way For Relaxation

Public by LingIvy on cateogry Alternative Medicine views 6 word count 579.

There are many reasons to use aromatherapy for stress management. But most of all, this type of relaxation technique can be easy and inexpensive.

People who are looking for ways to manage stress are turning more and more to aromatherapy... and it's no surprise because it's based on hundreds of thousands of years research, use, and improved technology. And it's effective.

This is the act of using natural essential oils to achieve emotional as well as physical health benefits. It is the smell, or the aroma, of these essential oils that invoke an emotional and physical response.

When purchasing products, you'll want to be sure you get natural products made from essential oils. A lot of candles and scents may smell good... but will have unnecessary chemicals, and are not made with true essential oils. So take a moment to read the labels.

The benefits are potentially endless

For the most part, each individual will have a different and personal response to different types of aromas, however, there are specific types of essential oils that are known for achieving certain responses. For example, Lavender is known for being a relaxing scent. It can help greatly with stress and anxiety. While Peppermint, on the other hand, is frequently used to awaken your senses and make you feel more alert.

Using aromatherapy for stress has helped me immensely... and it's such an easy technique that I use it almost every day. In my office at work, I keep a reed diffuser filled with essential oils that are meant to create a calm atmosphere. The great thing about using a reed diffuser is that there is no flame. Many offices do not allow candles or incense to be lit because of the potential fire hazard.

So not only does the scent help to keep me calm and relaxed at work, my co-workers love visiting my office as well... because it's the best smelling office in the building!

Not familiar with reed diffusers?

They are becoming a very popular form of aromatherapy and easier to find almost anywhere that candles are sold. A reed diffuser is a bottle filled with an essential oil which contains reed sticks. These sticks sit inside of the oil on one end and soak the oil up. They then stick out of the top and diffuse the smell throughout the room... and they are quite nice looking! Once the oil is gone, time to replace the bottle... they will usually last at least a month depending on the kind you buy.

Besides reed diffusers and candles, there are many different ways to get a good dose of aromatherapy. This type of relaxation technique has become so popular that it's easy to find what you need without venturing far from home.

All copyrights belong to the author of this article. We require readers to absolute respect for the author of the article. When you save this post in any way to specify the information authors and origin of this article.

glass juicers

Why Should You Purchase a Glass Juicer?

by: Kenny Tan

There are several shapes and sizes of juicers in the market. These kitchen appliances may vary in appearance, but they have only one function - to extract juice from fruits or vegetables. If you are the type of person that is always on the go, a good juicer is a staple in your kitchen. You can still receive the great benefits of natural vitamins and minerals by gulping down fresh juice every day. This kitchen tool definitely gives you convenience in juicing, as well as excellent effects to your health.

When choosing the type of juicer to purchase, you should consider several points. If you want something handy yet performs well in juicing, you might like glass juicers. There is no doubt on the lightweight and handy features of this type of juicer. These are small and weigh less than the power juicers in the market. Because of the handiness of these juicers, you can bring them anywhere. If you are going on a trip to the beach or a picnic, it is easy to take a glass juicer with you. With this juicer, you can make fresh juice anytime you want and anywhere you are. In addition, you can use this juicer conveniently because it does not require electricity or battery. The ridged centre extracts juice easily, and it only requires your effort to produce a lot of juice - up to the last drop.

A glass juicer comes with a wide base that has a capacity of two cups. It has a spout and a handle that lets you pour out the content in a container, with much ease. You get to enjoy a delightful and nutritious drink; and you can even share the other cup with a friend. You can also rely on the durability and solid construction of this juicer. This comes with 100 percent thick glass that will not easily get chipped or break into pieces. With proper care and maintenance, this juicer will definitely last for several years.

This type of juicer is also hygienic. It does not contain lead or any harmful chemicals, unlike those made from plastic. It is also easy to clean a glass juicer; you can simply wash it under a faucet or in a dishwasher, just like how you normally wash your other dishes. You can be sure that no residue stays in the juicer. Moreover, there are no parts that need disassembling during clean up. Because this juicer comes in one piece, you will definitely have more efficiency and no hassle in keeping it clean and bacteria-free.

If you are fond of drinking fresh citrus juice every day, you will definitely love this type of juicer. In fact, a glass juicer is only perfect for oranges, lemons and grapefruits. With a glass juicer, you get to make fruit juice anytime - without any hassle at all. This kitchen tool may be simple, but the numerous benefits and affordable price make it a good buy.

About The Author

For more information about Juicer Machines, Please visit:

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natural health consultation

What Does A Natural Health Consultant Do?

Public by on cateogry Alternative Medicine views 0 word count 579.

I am a certified Natural Health Consultant and I provide information and education to people seeking natural forms of healing and treatment. Most health consultants have a broad understanding of a variety of alternative health disciplines and may recommend a specific approach of alternative healing to a client. Approaches may include nutrition, homeopathy or herbal remedies. I try to combine all three when possible.

As a Natural Health Consultant, I discuss and assess health issues or symptoms with clients. These assessments include educating individuals about various methods of alternative health and recommending particular methods that will benefit a client. I sometimes will have to refer individuals to licensed practitioners or other health care providers because it is beyond the scope of my training.

You need to be knowledgeable about alternative health disciplines, including herbs, vitamins, minerals and nutrition. The Natural Health Consultant is not necessarily an expert, nor a practitioner, in any of these fields. Remember, that we are not here to diagnose diseases.

However, the consultant's expansive knowledge about the capabilities of all these fields allows them to explain alternative health options to people, advise them on which discipline might be an appropriate starting point, and assist them in being referred to those who can provide the necessary treatments.

He or she also may be familiar with additional areas of study, such as acupuncture, reflexology, aromatherapy, or massage therapy, although a Natural Health Consultant may not be trained to perform these procedures.


Training varies depending on areas of interest. Currently, there areno set licensure requirements, but becoming certified by taking classes and seminars is one way to add validity to a career. I received my certificate through a Strafford Institute home study course. There are also colleges that offer classes as well as other home study programs.


There are many opportunities for a career in the natural health field. However, most consultants have there own practice. This way you can set your own rates and schedule, not to mention you are the boss.

What I have done with my certificate is two-fold. I built a website on alternative health and was able to spread my passion and knowledge to a broader audience. Secondly I started my own practice to meet with individuals one on one which is much more rewarding. I get to actually see the results of helping someone else.

So if you have a passion for alternative health I highly recommend that you consider getting trained as a Natural Health Consultant. It will be an extremely eye opening and rewarding experience.

Related searches: Natural Health Consultant, Training Training, Strafford Institute,

All copyrights belong to the author of this article. We require readers to absolute respect for the author of the article. When you save this post in any way to specify the information authors and origin of this article.

Author Bio:

Diana is a Natural Health Consultant and Wellness Coach. Her website Natural Health and Herbal Remedies, offers the knowledge, insights and experiences she has gained from her journey into the world of natural health and her quest to share it with others.